"Queen of the Citrus Belt" is welcoming Pomona movers! Experience the best of both worlds in this magnetic city, where convenience harmonizes with natural beauty. Close enough to Los Angeles, but still cheap for relocation and living, this place is especially valued by middle class and upper middle class California enjoyers. If you are looking for budget movers in Pomona CA, make sure the moving company offers competitive rates with premium quality service, that makes your relocation hassle-free.
Former Spadra (don't mistake it for Sparta😁) now Pomona was founded in 1830 and named after the Roman goddess of fruit and fruit trees, flourished as a citrus hub in the late 19th and early 20th century. Its heritage is celebrated through events like the Pomona Harvest Festival. The downtown area, Pomona Arts Colony, boasts a diverse mix of shops, restaurants and galleries, while the historic Pomona Fox Theater hosts various performances. Pomona College is ranked number one in the U.S. for individual funding, while remaining the cheapest among the best colleges of liberal arts. Due to local folklore, this city area was the first option for placing Disneyland, but they say it was declined by the City Council. Though there is no serious proof for this urban legend. Still, it's only about a 30 minutes drive between Pomona and the famous park. Moreover, moving to Pomona, no matter how much the local movers cost, promises a breathtaking blend of history, culture, and adventure for kids, teens and adults in reach from the beach.